Thursday, February 26, 2015

Allergic Reactions

I have learned that I have a lot of allergies and although they are not obvious with a skin test I Know they bring certain reactions I cannot ignore.

In General I am allergic to processed and refined foods and the philosophies of men mingled with a little truth.

 I will go into detail about my specific reactions

If I

Eat processed food and overly refined foods this = pain in my joints, depression, weight gain, irritability, stomach pain, digestive issues

Watch media or listen to media that doesn't uplift this = bad night sleep, irritability, dark feeling, clouded judgment, increased anxiety

Don't move my body enough this = sluggish body functions, lowered metabolism, weight gain, weakened muscles, depression

Use cosmetics that are full of man made chemicals this = rash, irritated skin, teary eyes, sneezing, increase of eczema and acne

Don't have balance in my life this = things that are important that are ignored, home in chaos, eventual depression

Don't keep the law of Chastity this = decreased respect for the sanctity of love between a man and a women, sadness, loneliness

Now if I avoid all these things that cause allergic reactions my life becomes a bit of heaven on earth. And the more I do it the easier it is to do and my desire for that which I was addicted to before just goes away unless I return to that which I am allergic to. In a nutshell these negative things will eventually lead to my destruction. There is no life in them for me. Learning to avoid them is my life long task.

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